Restorative Justice Tribunal: And Ways to Derail Jim Crow Discipline in Schools
Bloom's Literary Themes: Enslavement and Emancipation
African American Readings of Paul: Reception, Resistance, and Transformation
Coping: Coping with Racial Profiling
Reporting on Race in a Digital Era
Modern Slavery: A Reference Handbook
Indoctrination to Hate: Recruitment Techniques of Hate Groups and How to Stop Them
Anti-Racist Educational Leadership and Policy: Addressing Racism in Public Education
Civil Rights Movements: Past and Present
African American Culture: An Encyclopedia of People, Traditions, and Customs
Understanding Social Media and Entrepreneurship: The Business of Hashtags, Likes, Tweets and Stories
Counterstory: The Rhetoric and Writing of Critical Race Theory
Bloom's Literary Themes: Exploration and Colonization