What does Gale Accelerate mean for you?

The Best Product: Instant access to a custom package of Gale Primary Sources.

Gain instant access to an unprecedented number of Gale Primary Sources archives, whether historical newspapers or thematic archives, creating a bespoke package to supports the needs and aspirations of your library, students, and faculty in driving the creation of new knowledge.

The Best Price: Cost-effective and flexible deals with no commitments.

The Accelerate program offers an exclusive discount on archive purchases, giving you the best value for your money. It also derricks the archive acquisition process, allowing you to try before you buy. There are no commitments beyond year one, meaning you can add or swap archives, keep what you have, or end the agreement and keep the archives of your choice at the end of the first year.

The Best Service: Bespoke support on demand, from start to finish.

When you start the Gale Accelerate program, we work alongside you to ensure the seamless implementation of your new archives. New users are guided through training by our experienced representatives and trainers. Raise awareness of your new archives by working with our marketing team to create bespoke digital and print assets that suit your needs. Get the most out of your archives and maximize their benefits for you, your faculty, and your students.

Contact your dedicated Gale representative to learn more about Gale Accelerate and what it means for your institution and to get a quote.

(Please do not use an acronym.)