History Just Before You Were Born: September 11, 2001
American Military Life in the 21st Century: Social, Cultural, and Economic Issues and Trends
Terrorism: The Essential Reference Guide
Defining Documents in American History: The Legacy of 9/11 (1998-2018)
Debating History: Debates on the 9/11 Attacks
Terrorism in the 21st Century: Causes and Effects: Investigating the Attack on the Pentagon
Terrorism in the 21st Century: Causes and Effects: Investigating the Crash of Flight 93
Cause & Effect: Modern Wars: The War on Terror
A Political and Diplomatic History of the Modern World: The Post-Cold War World
Key Figures of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Decades of the 20th and 21st Centuries: The 2000s
Frontline Families: The Afghanistan War: Frontline Soldiers and Their Families
Anarchism, Revolution, and Terrorism
Cause & Effect in History: The September 11 Attacks
9/11 and the War on Terror: A Documentary and Reference Guide
The Assassination of Osama bin Laden
The War on Terror Encyclopedia: From the Rise of Al Qaeda to 9/11 and Beyond