The Forgotten Victims of Sexual Violence in Film, Television and New Media: Turning to the Margins
Habits of Whiteness: A Pragmatist Reconstruction
Women Entrepreneurs and Business Empowerment in Muslim Countries
Black Theology and Black Faith
COVID-19 and Health System Segregation in the US: Racial Health Disparities and Systemic Racism
Muslims in the Western World: Sense of Belonging and Political Identity
Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel
Women and Politics: Global Lives in Focus
Get Your Knee Off Our Necks: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter
The Bill of Rights in Modern America
From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left
Griot Potters of the Folona: The History of an African Ceramic Tradition
Disadvantaged Minorities in Business
Begin Boldly: How Women Can Reimagine Risk, Embrace Uncertainty, and Launch a Brilliant Career
Income Inequality in America: A Reference Handbook
Federal Anti-Indian Law: The Legal Entrapment of Indigenous Peoples
Rooted Globalism: Arab-Latin American Business Elites and the Politics of Global Imaginaries
The Betrayal of the Humanities: The University during the Third Reich
African-American Activism and Political Engagement: An Encyclopedia of Empowerment