Indigenous Peoples: An Encyclopedia of Culture, History, and Threats to Survival
Defend the Sacred: Native American Religious Freedom beyond the First Amendment
We Want Equal Rights!: The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influence on the Women's Rights Movement
The Story of the Choctaw Indians: From the Past to the Present
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Sacagawea, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark
Indigenous Children's Survivance in Public Schools
The Story of the Chippewa Indians: From the Past to the Present
Special Reports Set 3: The Dakota Access Pipeline
Documents of American Indian Removal: Eyewitness to History
Were Native Americans the Victims of Genocide?
Treaties with American Indians
Ladders Social Studies Grade 4 Set: Native Americans of the Southeast
Defining Documents in American History: Native Americans (1451-2017)
Ladders Social Studies Grade 4 Set: Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest
Ladders Social Studies Grade 4 Set: Native Americans of the Southwest
Ladders Social Studies Grade 4 Set: Native Americans of The Great Plains
Hidden Heroes: Occupying Alcatraz: Native American Activists Demand Change
Urban American Indians: Reclaiming Native Space