Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States
Primary Sources of the Abolitionist Movement: The Women's Rights Movement and Abolitionism
Primary Sources of the Abolitionist Movement: Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin
Colonial People: The Colonial Slave Family
The Early Republic: Documents Decoded
World Mythologies: Myths of the Ancient Romans
Hitting the Books: Skills for Reading, Writing, and Research: Writing an Opinion Paper
Hitting the Books: Skills for Reading, Writing, and Research: Writing an Informational Essay
Hitting the Books: Skills for Reading, Writing, and Research: Writing a Research Paper
Totally Gross History: The Totally Gross History of Medieval Europe
How They Lived: An Annotated Tour of Daily Life through History in Primary Sources
Cause & Effect in History: The Fall of Rome
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient India
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient China
Living History: Life During the Renaissance