Checks and Balances in the U.S. Government: The U.S. Constitution and the Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances in the U.S. Government: The Legislative Branch: Making Laws
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the Special Forces
Thinking Critically: Illegal Immigration
Diversity in Action: Diversity in Politics
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the CIA
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside Interpol
Thinking Critically: Nuclear Proliferation
Emerging Security Challenges: American Jihad, Terrorism, Civil War, and Human Rights
Money in American Politics: An Encyclopedia
Understanding the Executive Branch: Inside the Department of Labor
Current Controversies: The Border Wall with Mexico
Women and War in the 21st Century: A Country-by-Country Guide
Homeland Security: A Reference Handbook
Special Reports Set 3: US Immigration Policy
Human Rights in Focus: Illegal Immigrants
Understanding the Executive Branch: Inside the Department of Commerce
Understanding the Executive Branch: Inside the Department of Homeland Security