Science on Patrol: At the Poles
Principles of Physical Science
Bioenergy Systems for the Future: Prospects for Biofuels and Biohydrogen
Women in STEM: Women in Conservation
Microalgae-Based Biofuels and Bioproducts: From Feedstock Cultivation to End-Products
The Power Grid: Smart, Secure, Green and Reliable
Renewable Energy Forecasting: From Models to Applications
Collective Biographies: Women Scientists and Inventors
Science on Patrol: In the Desert
Analyzing the Issues: Critical Perspectives on Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy
Robotics: Advanced Programming and Design
Shale Oil and Gas Handbook: Theory, Technologies, and Challenges
Wind Energy Engineering: A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines
STEM in the Real World, Set 2: Forensics in the Real World
Women in Science: Jane Goodall: Primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace
People You Should Know: Top 101 Women of STEM
Robotics: Math, Programming, and Controllers
Science on Patrol: Under the Ocean
Science on Patrol: In the Rainforest