Primary Sources of Westward Expansion: Native American Resistance
Protest Movements: Civil Rights Sit-Ins
What Does a Citizen Do?: What Does a Protester Do?
The Interwar Years: The Women's Suffrage Movement
At Issue: When Is Free Speech Hate Speech?
Lucent Library of Black History: Freedom By Force: The History of Slave Rebellions
The Black Lives Matter Movement
The Push for Social Change: The Civil Rights Movement
The Push for Social Change: The Women's Rights Movement
Protest Movements: Boston Tea Party
Documents of the Chicano Movement: Eyewitness to History
Protest Movements: Environmental Protests
Current Controversies: Police Training and Excessive Force
Documents of the LGBT Movement: Eyewitness to History
Protest Movements: Political Resistance in the Current Age
Black Power Encyclopedia: From "Black Is Beautiful" to Urban Uprisings
Gateway Biographies: John Lewis: Courage in Action
Westward Expansion: America's Push to the Pacific: Native American Treatment and Resistance
American Values and Freedoms: The Right to Protest