Energy versus Carbon Dioxide: How can we save the world? 59 Theses
Digital Literacy: Skills and Strategies
Calculating with quanta: Quantum computer for the curious
Graph-Based Modelling in Science, Technology and Art
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design
Transformations Through Blockchain Technology: The New Digital Revolution
Principles in Computer Aided Design
How to Study Physics Effectively and Sustainably: Tips and Tricks for First-Year Students
Introduction to Molecular Biology: Working with DNA and RNA
Genes, Genomes and Society: From Farming to Gene Editing and Beyond
Handbook of Advanced Performability Engineering
Machine Learning Foundations: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Advanced Learning
Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering
The Mystery of Dark Matter: In Search of the Invisible
An Introduction to Circular Economy
Basics of Virtual Reality: From the Discovery of Perspective to VR Glasses