Introduction to Fluid-Structure Interactions
Introduction to Engineering Design
Foundations of Blockchain: Theory and Applications
Fractions, Ratios, and Roots: Rediscover the Basics and Learn About Interesting Applications
Particles in the Dark Universe: A Student's Guide to Particle Physics and Cosmology
The Human Factor in the Settlement of the Moon: An Interdisciplinary Approach
The Politics and Perils of Space Exploration: Who Will Compete, Who Will Dominate?
An Introduction to Computing with Fuzzy Sets: Analysis, Design, and Applications
Antimatter: What It Is and Why It's Important in Physics and Everyday Life
The Transition to Chaos: Conservative Classical and Quantum Systems
Classical Financial Mathematics: Basic Ideas, Central Formulas and Terms at a Glance
Physics and Music: Essential Connections and Illuminating Excursions
Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Engineering and Sustainable TeleMedicine
Cloud Computing Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction
Understanding Gravitational Waves
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Structure and Reactions
The Never-Ending Story of Life: A Brief Journey through Concepts of Biology
Introduction to Terahertz Electronics